Massage therapy.

Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues of the body including, muscles, connective tissues, tendons, ligaments and joints. Massage Therapy is a clinically-oriented healthcare option that helps alleviate the discomfort associated with everyday and occupational stresses, muscular over-use and many chronic pain conditions.

Therapeutic benefits

Massage makes you feel and perform better. Massage has the following benefits:

1. Increases circulation;
2. enhances the immune system;
3. promotes nervous system functioning;
4. reduces blood pressure;
5. relieves pain and muscle tension;
6. improves mood, intellectual reasoning and job performance;
7. positive effect on conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, diabetes and migraine headaches.

Depending on the techniques used, massage can:

1. Stimulate the nervous system to help reduce muscle atrophy;
2. increase muscle tone;
3. stimulate the functions of the skin or an organ deep inside the body;
4. sedate the nervous system to help ease muscle tension, spasticity, stress-related symptoms and headaches;
5. boost the functioning of the immune system and maintains health when done regularly;
6. stimulate sluggish circulation or slow down the circulation of someone who  has just run a marathon when using friction massage techniques;
7. Allow better range of motion and support the connective tissue and muscles   in becoming strong and healthy when doing simple joint movements and joint stretching..